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Info Klinik Praktek


Klinik 113

Rumah Sakit Gleneagles Penang
1 Jalan Pangkor
10050 Penang, Malaysia

Tel: +604 2229152

Jadual klinik:

Senin- Jumat : 9:30am to 4:30pm
Sabtu : 9: 30am to 12:30pm



Clinic Info


Clinic 113

Gleneagles Penang Hospital
1 Jalan Pangkor
10050 Penang, Malaysia

Tel: +604 2229152

Clinic schedule:

Mon- Fri : 9:30am to 4:30pm
Sat : 9: 30am to 12:30pm

Computer assisted Total Knee Replacement (CAS-TKR)

Knee replacement

Computer terminal for CAS-TKR

Total Knee Replacement surgery (TKR) is the most effective treatment for severe knee osteoarthritis whereby patients suffer severe knee pain, knee stiffness and are unable to walk properly.

To achieve good results and enable the knee replacement to last long, TKR has to be done accurately. The latest technology to enable the TKR to be precise and consistent in its results is computer assisted surgery (CAS).

In the knee replacement, the worn out knee cartilage is removed and replaced with metal and plastic implants. The implants are known as the knee replacement prosthesis. This operation relieves knee pain, restores knee function and improves the patient's quality of life.

Computer assisted knee replacement surgery (CAS-TKR) is much more precise and consistent in its results compared to conventional knee replacement surgery. This enables the prosthesis to last long (15-20 years) in a significantly greater number of cases compared to conventional surgery.

Computer technology is indeed advanced technology which enables surgeons to overcome the inaccuracies of conventional surgery, so that the operation is done with greater precision. The success rate of knee replacement is very high (95%) if the surgery is done accurately. The accuracy of CAS-TKR is far greater and much more consistent than conventional surgery.

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