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Info Klinik Praktek


Klinik 113

Rumah Sakit Gleneagles Penang
1 Jalan Pangkor
10050 Penang, Malaysia

Tel: +604 2229152

Jadual klinik:

Senin- Jumat : 9:30am to 4:30pm
Sabtu : 9: 30am to 12:30pm



Clinic Info


Clinic 113

Gleneagles Penang Hospital
1 Jalan Pangkor
10050 Penang, Malaysia

Tel: +604 2229152

Clinic schedule:

Mon- Fri : 9:30am to 4:30pm
Sat : 9: 30am to 12:30pm

About knee injuries and conditions

The knee is a very important joint. It enables us to perform daily activities like running, walking, hiking, squatting, standing etc. Both our knees support a major portion of our body weight. 

In order for the knee to function well, it needs to move smoothly, needs to be stable and needs to be able to support our body weight. The knee achieves this through structures like cartilage, ligaments, meniscus. These structures are in the knee and they need to be kept healthy.

As the knee has to bear our body weight and undergo a lot of movements, it is the joint which is most easily injured and most easily develops painful conditions. The knee is often injured from sports or accidents like falls. The most common knee injury is injury to the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament).

The knee also frequently undergoes a lot of stress from heavy activities and our body weight. This causes the knee cartilage to experience wear and tear leading to a painful condition called osteoarthritis of the knee. Patients with knee osteoarthritis have knee pain and knee stiffness.

The knee - back view

The knee - front view

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