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The latest in ACL surgery - Anatomical Reconstruction

How is ACL surgery performed?

Surgery for ACL rupture involves reconstruction of the ACL with a new ligament, and this new ligament is made from a tendon graft which is normally harvested from the patient’s own tendons.  The ruptured ACL cannot be repaired by simply stitching it back with sutures. It has to be reconstructed by replacing the old ACL with a new tendon graft which functions as the new ACL. ACL reconstruction surgery is now done by arthroscopy.

Arthroscopy is surgery done using a fiberoptic camera (arthroscope). This enables the operation to be performed using very small keyhole sized wounds (keyhole surgery).

The latest technique used in ACL reconstruction surgery is the anatomical technique. This technique enables the operation to be individualised to each patient's knee. By this technique, surgeons can determine the original and most precise position to reconstruct the new ACL. The anatomical technique of ACL surgery restores the knee back to normal. This will enable the knee to function normally with stability. Patients who have the ACL surgery done anatomically can return back to active sports.

In addition to giving the patient normal knee function, the anatomical ACL reconstruction also protects the knee cartilage from wearing out in the long term, thereby preserving the knee from future degenerative osteoarthritis. Anatomical ACL surgery is far more precise and has better outcomes compared to conventional ACL surgery.

In summary, anatomical ACL reconstruction restores fully the knee function and gives long term preservation of the knee health.


The torn ACL reconstructed by arthroscopy (keyhole surgery)

ACL anatomically reconstructed- seen through arthroscopy


Info Klinik Praktek


Klinik 113

Rumah Sakit Gleneagles Penang
1 Jalan Pangkor
10050 Penang, Malaysia

Tel: +604 2229152

Jadual klinik:

Senin- Jumat : 9:30am to 4:30pm
Sabtu : 9: 30am to 12:30pm



Clinic Info


Clinic 113

Gleneagles Penang Hospital
1 Jalan Pangkor
10050 Penang, Malaysia

Tel: +604 2229152

Clinic schedule:

Mon- Fri : 9:30am to 4:30pm
Sat : 9: 30am to 12:30pm

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